Monday, May 4, 2009

Blue Cupcakes

Who said you cant color your buttercream blue???? Many cake decoraters faced this dillema. We always end up with green buttercream when we tried to color it blue. The reason? Butter has a yellowish tinge. So Yellow + Blue = Green lah! Most of the time, cake decoraters would use shortening to replace butter in their buttercream,  to get that nice baby blue shade. But we can only do this if you are willing to forgo the buttery taste, which is almost non-existent (u get that cloying taste on your tongue instead..yewww) if shortening is used as the ingredient in the buttercream.

But this time, I managed to break into the mystery of  this and get this nice shade of blue  instead.

This is ordered by my ever so loyal customer, Wawa, for her friends, Pat and Matt, who 
celebrated their 23rd b'day last Sunday.

Princess Jasmine and the fairy

It has been a rather busy week for me...can't stand the sight of another cupcake!! Anyhow, here's the set of cuppies, which kept me glued to my working table and kitchen for days

......despite all the dramas, sweat and tears  (yeah, well... almost ^-^), I managed to finished them cuppies on time for Sriya Jasmine's very 1st b'day party.
The theme is very first attempt at human  figurine, unfortunately, only managed to come up with 1 fairy...a very time consuming affair. Jasmine's Mom requested to include Disney's Princess Jasmine too. Since I have no idea how to do a Princess Jasmine figurine (not yet anyway. *wink**), I decided to use chocolate image transfer method instead.

Thank you Abit for giving me this opportunity and May God Bless your new home too.....